Technically, when people are attacked by their own government, or when they are denied equal access to education, it is the job of their fellow citizens to protect them, since the citizens should always rise up and demand justice when a government acts tyrannically.
The French and Indian war is expensive.
Due to the price of the French Indian war the British imposed taxes on the colonies. taxes such as the stamp and tea tax would lead to the american revolution. I hope this helps.
They are a sovereign state, that has the authority to tax all bussiness within it´s borders. Later this came to one of the firsts big cases on the Supreme Court, given the fact the it´d set an example for the other states on the possibility of taxing or going agaisnt federal desicions. Eventually the Supreme court would prohibit Maryland from taxing the National bank cause <em>"The power to tax, is the power to destroy".</em>
It is the process which provides private individuals and opportunity to influence piblic decisions and to be a component of the democraric decision making process