Oliver Crangle, a dealer in petulance and poison. He's rather arbitrarily chosen four o'clock as his personal Götterdämmerung, and we are about to watch the metamorphosis of a twisted fanatic, poisoned by the gangrene of prejudice, to the status of an avenging angel, upright and omniscient, dedicated and fearsome. Whatever your clocks say, it's four o'clock, and wherever you are it happens to be the Twilight Zone.
u can help by speaking up
Cause rnfndkekkdjfmfmdkekekkdjdnddn
I'm pretty sure the answer is A. Bird
If the question is 2x > 18, then all you have to do is divide. And when you divide 18/2, x is equal to 9. I'm not sure if that is one of the choices, but I believe that's how you do it...