A. To make a piece of fruit seem like a peer to Granny B. To link two unlike concepts: ... C. (Choose) To show that Granny has moved on with life after being jilted. D. ... fewer of these foods you eat, the less likely your chance of having a heart attack ... He is skeptical about his neighbor's idea of what makes good neighbors. B ...
If it's plato, Its functions.
I kept getting it wrong so i asked my teacher and he told me the answer LOL
This expert from Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus third act and first scene depicts how Titus is pleading to the Roman judges to reconsider executing his sons. He is begging the cold tribune to reconsider their decision but as they have gone, he is pleading to the “stones” as they seem warmer and less harsh that the judges. Thus, he is voicing his anguish and comparing the emperor’s cold heart with inanimate beings. Titus’ laments to the stones may border madness. However, he may be addressing the audience to arouse their sympathy.
Answer:It uses lines of about the same length.
By bondage of poverty,deprivation,suffering,gender and other discrimination.