I think you can tell the answer is odd because the multipliers are odd.
Matching is as shown below:
1. pronoun with no specific antecedent - indefinite pronoun
2. determined by function - case
3. consistency between subject and verb or pronoun and antecedent - agreement
4. subject case - nominative
5. clarifies or renames preceding noun - appositive
6. clause with implied subject or verb - elliptical clause
7. adjective phrase without word to modify - dangling construction
8. points out which one - demonstrative pronoun
9. two-word pronoun - reciprocal pronoun
In a sentence, WHO and WHOM have different syntactic functions.
- WHO can be used as the subject of a sentence. For example, "who is your brother?"
- WHO can be replaced by he or she.
- WHOM is used as the object of the verb or object of a preposition as in "who is helping whom?" or "I know the person to whom the letter was addressed" respectively.
- WHOM can be replaced by him or her.