2002 State of the Union Address, Bush set forth what has become known as the Bush Doctrine, implement a policy of preemptive military strikes against nations known to be harboring or aiding a terrorist organization hostile to the United States.
tell me if it's wrong or right
Off the top of my head:
The US devised the Manhattan project during ww2 and afterwards to develop nuclear weapons. The kept this secret from USSR even though they were allied. This contributed to Stalin’s paranoia and increased tensions between the two countries.
You also mention how Truman used this ‘atomic-monopoly’ to give him confidence and make him think that he could dictate decisions during the Potsdam conference and other meetings which heightened tensions with USSR.
Nuclear weapons also played a large role during the Cuban Missile Crisis, the point where nuclear war was at it’s closest to becoming reality and destroying the world.
By that point the USSR had also developed atomic bombs. The fact both superpowers had nuclear weapons meant they had to be sensitive in the way they handled each other and you could link this with Cuba and argue that it was the only reason the Cold War didn’t turn into full-scale, physical war.
There’s other things you could say beyond these points as well.
When King Menes united the kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt by establishing a succession of rulers from the same family, he founded the first Egyptian dynasty.
When Constantine attempted to set up "New Rome", he succeeded in making a new political center in the East, unified by the Christian religion. To add, New Rome was a name given by the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great in 330 AD to his new imperial capital at the city on the European coast of the Bosporus strait.
The answer is <u>he pardoned the former American President Richard Nixon for any crimes he may have committed in office.</u>
In 1972, President Richard Nixon was accused of being involved in the Water Scandal and was in trouble with American justice. Two years later, he decided to resign and Gerald Ford automatically assumed the presidency. Ford immediately used his power to issue the <em>Proclamation 4311</em> and pardon Nixon for any crimes he may have committed while President. He justified his decision before Congress alleging that the pardon was in the best interests of the country because a drawn-out trial would only polarize the public even more.
This decision of him was highly controversial and harshly criticized by many Americans that wanted to see Nixon brought to justice.