“Think of it this way: When we’re done, your connection will be faster than it ever was before.”
Correct label:
positive reappraisal
“Okay, let’s put the connection speed issue aside for later and work on changing your password for our company website.”
Correct label:
“At least your router isn’t talking back at you! I can’t get my digital assistant to shut up.”
Correct label:
ssume that,
Maximum “students” count can be 10.
*Driver Class*
*Solution class*
import java.util.*;
class Student {
private String name;
private int rollNo;
public String getName() {}
public void setName(String name) {}
public int getRollNo() {}
public void setRollNo(int rollNo) {}
class ClassRoom {
private int i;
private Student[] students;
public void addStudent(String name, int rollNo) {}
public Student[] getAllStudents() {}
In the Microsoft publisher application (as well as many other websites such as Brainly, Google docs, etc), words underlined in red are spelled incorrectly.
Whether you spelled it incorrectly or did not complete the words, as long as the word is not found in the dictionary, the word would be underlined with a red squiggly line.