It's not worth it.
I'm a believer, but if people are really sure to believe that they were created by the big bang, or by a superior creature they will believe it no matter what evidence you provide. Another example of this is flat-earth believers.
It would just be a waste of time, depending on your audience of course.
Pelagius denied Augustine's theory of original sin. Adherents of Pelagius cited Deuteronomy 24:16 in support of their position. Pelagius was declared a heretic by the Council of Ephesus in 431. His interpretation of a doctrine of free will became known as Pelagianism.
On June 25, 1950, the Korean War began when some 75,000 soldiers from the North Korean People's Army poured across the 38th parallel, the boundary between the Soviet-backed Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the north and the pro-Western Republic of Korea to the south.