1. the set of real numbers between 0.1 and 0.2
2. the set of all negative integers greater than negative 1 trillion
3. the set of all java and C programs
A set is countable if it is either finite or has the same cardinality as the set of positive integers. The inverse of this set type is uncountable.
The set of real numbers between 0.1 and 0.2, all negative integers greater than negative 1 billion, and a set of java and C programs are all countable sets, so are considered countably infinite.
Data modeling
Data modeling is a term used in computer or software engineering. It is a technique of creating a data model for an information system through unusual formal methods. It also involves the analysis of models during the development of an application. It is further divided into three places including:
1. Conceptual data
2. Logical data model
3. Physics data model
Hence, Data modeling is a model that involves the creation of data and process models during the development of an application
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ex. biogas farm , modern methods of 1transport etc