Answer:Today, we're introducing three revolutionary products. The first one is a widescreen iPod with touch controls. The second is a revolutionary mobile phone. And the third is a breakthrough Internet communications device. So, three things: a widescreen iPod with touch controls, a revolutionary mobile phone, and a breakthrough Internet communications device. An iPod, a phone, and an Internet communicator. An iPod, a phone...are you getting it? These are not three separate devices. This is one device. And we are calling it iPhone. Today, Apple is going to reinvent the phone.
Late last year, former Apple engineer Andy Grignon, who was in charge of the radios on the original iPhone, gave behind-the-scenes look at how Apple patched together demos for the introduction, with Steve Jobs showing off developmental devices full of buggy software and hardware issues. The iPhone team knew that everything had to go just right for the live iPhone demos to succeed, and they did, turning the smartphone industry on its head even as Apple continue to scramble to finish work on the iPhone.
Apple had actually been interested first in developing a tablet known as "Safari Pad", but as noted by a number of sources including Steve Jobs himself, the company shifted gears once it became clear how revolutionary the multi-touch interface developed for the tablet could be for a smartphone. Apple's tablet wouldn't surface until the launch of the iPad in 2010, three years after the introduction of the iPhone.
Seven years after the famous Macworld 2007 keynote, the iPhone has seen significant enhancements in every area, but the original iPhone remains recognizable as Apple has maintained the overall look of a sleek design with a larger touchscreen and a single round home button on the face of the device.
TRUE = 1
gradeAverage WORD ?
credits WORD ?
oKToRegister BYTE ?
str1 BYTE "Error: Credits must be between 1 and 30" , 0dh,0ah,0
main PROC
call CheckRegs
main ENDP
CheckRegs PROC
push edx
mov OkToRegister,FALSE
; Check credits for valid range 1-30
cmp credits,1 ; credits < 1?
jb E1
cmp credits,30 ; credits > 30?
ja E1
jmp L1 ; credits are ok
; Display error message: credits out of range
mov edx,OFFSET str1
call WriteString
jmp L4
cmp gradeAverage,350 ; if gradeAverage > 350
jna L2
mov OkToRegister,TRUE ; OkToRegister = TRUE
jmp L4
cmp gradeAverage,250 ; elseif gradeAverage > 250
jna L3
cmp credits,16 ; && credits <= 16
jnbe L3
mov OkToRegister,TRUE ; OKToRegister = TRUE
jmp L4
cmp credits,12 ; elseif credits <= 12
ja L4
mov OkToRegister,TRUE ; OKToRegister = TRUE
pop edx ; endif
CheckRegs ENDP
END main
Answer: (C) All of them.
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