weight_pounds=float(input("Enter the weight in pounds:\n"))#taking input of weight.
height_inches=float(input("Enter the height in inches:\n"))#taking input of thye height.
bmi=(weight_pounds/(height_inches**2))*703#calculating the bmi.
print('The body mass index is '+str(bmi))#printing the result.
Enter the weight in pounds:
Enter the height in inches
The body mass index is 28.163395061728398
The above written program is in python.First I have taken input from the user of the weight in pounds then taking input of the height in inches.Then calculating the bmi and storing it in the variable bmi.Then printing the bmi in the end.
The WPA2 shared key is incorrect is the correct answer.
The WPA2 shared key is incorrect because when the technician installs a new wireless thermostat for the purpose to control the temperature of the meeting room. Then, admin determines that the thermostat is not connecting to the control system through the internet and the admin authenticate that its parameter of receiving thermostat is associated with the AP. So, that's why the following option is correct.
Answer: Alignment
The principle of repitition indicates that some aspect of a design are repeated. This can be in form of bullet list, lines, color etc.
Balance has to do with how the weight is distributed.
The Principle of Alignment means that the pictures on a page should be connected visually to another thing.
Principle of Proximity simoly means that the items that are related on a page should be close to each other.
Therefore, the principles of page layout that Sam is planning to use in this artwork is alignment.
You are changing the word
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