The human genome is the complete set of nucleic acid sequences for humans, encoded as DNA within the 23 chromosome pairs in cell nuclei and in a small DNA molecule found within individual mitochondria. These are usually treated separately as the nuclear genome, and the mitochondrial genome.
its A and D
The gene which is produced once or twice in a lifetime is the milk producing hormone after childbirth. This is because it is produced only after the birth of the child. The growth of the mammary glands takes place during pregnancy. The breast continue to increase in size after giving birth to a child. After delivery only copious milk is produced which is generally done with the help of milk hormone. During pregnancy the secretion of the milk is inhibited by the estrogen and progesterone which circulates in the blood stream which in turn inhibits the release of prolactin from the pituitary gland thus making the mammary glands unresponsive. Where as insulin is a hormone which helps the body to utilise the sugar or glucose from different sources like carbohydrates that we get while we eat food and adrenaline is secreted when we are scared or when we feel that we are in danger. Therefore, milk producing hormone is the gene that are turned once or twice in a lifetime.
Speciation is not a mechanism of microevolution.
Answer and explanation;
Nucleus; houses a cell's DNA and its processes include protein, replication and packaging for cell division. It is also the site for transcription.
Cytosol; coordinates a responsible to the environment, metabolism and motor proteins.
Endomembrane system; includes the nuclear envelope (surrounds nucleus), rough and smooth ER, golgi body, lysosomes?vacuoles, peroxisome and plasma membrane.
Semiautonomous organelles; mitochondria (animals) and chloroplast (plants) which provide energy for the cell.