During the era of imperialism, empires would experience resistance and rebellion because the conditions that many were put after being imperialized were undesirable and so resistance helped gain freedom from that imperial rule. One basic example of this was the american revolution. Since British rule wasn’t giving the colonists of America the freedoms they deserved, they decided to start a revolution so that they could thrive in their new home. This inspired many more revolutions to start, due to the oppression that many people faced under European rule, such as the French Revolution, the Haitian Revolution, Latin American Revolutions, and the Taiping rebellion. As a result of these revolutions, many new nations were formed and more ideas of what life should be like in the modern world started to emerge. Politics developed in the U.S to form new ways of government, more trade between countries resulted from growth in the industry, and many technologies were being improved because of the need for more and more products in the industrial age.
1. Five
2. American
By 1760 all but FIVE of the 13 AMERICAN colonies were royal colonies.
These five American colonies were Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware which remained proprietary, while the other two in Rhode Island and Connecticut remain the corporate colonies.
There are more than 300 million indigenous people, in virtually every region of the world, including the Sámi peoples of Scandinavia, the Maya of Guatemala, numerous tribal groups in the Amazonian rainforest, the Dalits in the mountains of Southern India, the San and Kwei of Southern Africa