Power because if you have power you mostly will have the rest too. Power means you have choices to do what you want. Also, being powerless is kind of scary. Being powerless means you can't do anything and you can't change what you want and need to do. It's the feeling of not being able to help my friends, family, and people that make you realize how important power is. Power to change, power to influence, power is the difference between wishing and doing. Power is what influences change. Power will always be above the other 2.
What I love most about money fame or power would be, with money I could buy everything g in Hot Topic for my crush, and hopes she accepts.
With power, it would be so I can sentence anyone to death when I feel like it, and be able to pass any law.
With Fame, i don't care, i don't really like famous people cause they think they're special bu they just normal people. Dang, I'm starting to sound like my best friend.