Scientists are creating a new variety of corn. They have two requirements: the new corn must resist pests and it must contain vi
tamins. What method will they most likely use to create this corn? a. insert a gene from one cell into another b. insert a gene from one organism into another c. remove cell walls of plant cells in culture d. remove a gene from a plant cell
they must transfer a gene that is able to fight against pests, while also containing vitamins, to do this they'd need to transfer a gene with these traits from one organism into another
The HOX genes encodes important transcription factors. This factors causes protein to be made that specify cell fate and identify; embryonic primary axis, secondary axis and plays important roles in various tracts development.
Groundwater, which is in aquifers below the surface of the Earth, is one of the Nation's most important natural resources. Groundwater is the source of about 33% of the water that county and city water departments supply to households and businesses (public supply).