Answer: 3
Because X = 18 and our condition given to the code if > and < which do not match with the input so it prints 3.
Novice drivers lack the experience necessary to reliably categorize and appropriately respond to roadside hazards. A roadside hazard refers to any roadside objects or features that have a diameter greater than 100mm that is on or near the roadway. These are objects or features that are likely to create a dangerous environment to the drivers.
Answered below
Data values in a program are held in variables. Variables are like containers for holding different types of data. A variable can be identified depending on the kind of data it holds. Variables can hold data types of integers, strings, arrays, lists, sets, Boolean etc. They hold unique data types and a can not hold different data types. Different rules exist for naming variables in different programming languages. A variable name should start with lowercase letters and be descriptive of the data it holds.
Puting your ideas together every write has to do that and also gather true information, and making a intering story for your readers.
Using/driving with an electric car or using car that is ecologically friendly (less pollution) Ex.Bio Fuel