1. Descansa
2. Relájense
3. Tómela
4. Descríbalos
5. Mejorémosla.
6. Consúltale
7. Coman bien
8. Váyase.
The imperative mode is used to give orders, requests or wishes. The imperative has its own forms only in the second person of the plural and the singular (tú, ustedes) in the rest of the people we use the subjunctive mode.
Answer: 1 buy a pack of paper for the printer
2 go to the travel agency website
3 ask for the information about our hotel
4 print the information
5 finish packing the bags
6 check the oil in the car
7 check that we have an extra tire
8 clean the windshields
9 fill up the gas tank
10 come get me at the office
Explanation: hope this helps you!
I like to write A mi te gusta escribir
I like writing A mi me gusta escribir
You like to write A ti te gusta escribir
You like to write A ti le gustan escribir