1. Determine whether the statement is true, false, or contains false statements. 2. If you find the statement true, you must fi
nd a reliable source to support your claim 3. If you find the statement false or contain false statements, you must find a reliable source to support your claim 4. Rewrite the statement so that it represents true statements or you can write a rebuttal.
Statement 1: "In certain swing states, there were more votes than people who voted, and in big numbers. Does that not really matter? Stopping Poll Watchers, voting for unsuspecting people, fake ballots and so much more. Such egregious conduct."
Statement 2: "Other than politics, how do you lose a case where large numbers of voters, far more than you need to flip Pennsylvania, are disenfranchised? Vote Observers thrown out of counting rooms. People going to vote finding out they have already voted through a fake ballot" Statement 3: “Even assuming that they can establish that their right to vote has been denied, which they cannot, Plaintiffs seek to remedy the denial of their votes by invalidating the votes of millions of others. Rather than requesting that their votes be counted, they seek to discredit scores of other votes, but only for one race. This is simply not how the Constitution works”
Statement 4: " support [the] request for a recount in Georgia, one in which signatures on absentee ballot envelopes are properly matched and verified to their signature on the registration. Anything less than that will not be a full and transparent recount."
Statement 5: "“Americans care more about their grandmothers and their parents more than the government. They know how to take the right precautions to take care of grandma ... I know people who were self-quarantining ahead of Thanksgiving. They’re driving instead of flying."