1. seniority
2. sanitation
3. facilities
4. instrument
5. expressway
The above are the correct answers that fit into each sentence.
In number 1, <em>seniority</em> is correct because the dad was stating that he has seniority over his son.
In no. 2, <em>sanitation </em>is correct because the individual was asking of sanitation laws.
In no. 3, <em>facilities</em> is correct because it fits into the statement that Grandma thinks a place is nicer when the facilities in that place are situated outside.
In no. 4, the dad referred to the toothbrush as an i<em>nstrument</em>. In no. 5, <em>expressway</em> is the correct option. The sentences like "how many miles long it was" shows that expressway is the correct answer in that context.