The correct answer is that the limitation of this field study "determining direction of causality would be difficult because data are correlation & so many factors affect real life situations, it would be hard to control all the variables that creates findings harder to interpret."
In the given situation, because of the many factors present in the study and it affects real life situations, which are uncontrollable, which is why this study has this kind of limitation.
Answer: the correct answer is A. Medical Perspectve
Those who support a medical perspective focus on biological and physiological facts as causes of abnormal behavior, which is treated as a disease, or mental illness, and is diagnosed through symptoms and cured through treatment.
If the dead could come back alive, I don't know what I would do. See as much as I would love to bring someone back, would I want to? See I would want to live my life and then be done with it. Go on to the next world or whatever. I would want to have the best life, when I'm young and living. Not to be brought back. See then I would feel like I was living a never ending life. I want my life to be special, and not an never ending one. So I think it would be cool, and we would never have to lose anybody. But what about the population? The earth isn't big enough for that. I just don't think I would want that.