To much land to cover with not enough Garuda / rulers
Unsystematic Variability
This refers to a number or measure of the observed differences in the value of a variable that is from one unit of observation to another unit.
Unsystematic variability
This is usually refered to as a type of variability that is unexplainable (not accounted for) for by a one or a known source, but that comes from effects or the combinations of extraneouss variables, measurement error, and noise.
They are the known differences in scores of individuals because of the variable that were not examined. They are usually not related to variables examined. Mostly type 11 error, are within groups variance in experiments and usually leads to high total variability.
higher productivity, but another unit of capital would increase output by less than before.
Listening is the active processes of trying to make meaning of a verbally communicated message. There are four stages of listening, which are; hearing, understanding, evaluating and responding. Responding are actions that shows that an individual regards the message that is being communicated, this could involve nodding, shrugging and even verbal acknowledgement such as exclamations.
Evan responded to his wife's conversation by shrugging.