Collecting comic books is an affordable way to enjoy pop art and invest in memorabilia Which series will you start to collect?
If the conclusion shows that collecting comic books is a fun hobby, it should be revised with a sentence that shows the reasons that make this type of collection fun and attractive for people. In this case, the best review for the conclusion is the first option, since it is the only one that shows that collecting comics is a fun act because comics are an affordable way to consume pop culture, in addition to investing in memorabilia.
C. Both of these
A signal statement tells people that something important is coming so the listener or reader needs to pay close attention. The statement "keep in mind" signals to the reader that what comes next could be an important factor. The second statement "I want you to understand..." also signals to the reader or listener that what will follow is important for the reader to pay attention to.
The answer is emjabment. Based on the lines from Patricia Jabbeh Wesley's "One Day", it can be seen that she uses enjabment when creating her own structure. Enjabment, in poetry, refers to the continuation of one poetic line to the next line without the use of punctuation.
Metaphor artwork
Pictorial metaphor lacks a double subject. It is nothing more than an image, which acquires in one or another artistic context a symbolic (key) value, a broader, generalizing meaning. Metaphor in painting is a source of bright ideas; it creates figurative works. (ps..painting is a metaphor itself).
Also avoid such situation
In simple words, the ethics lies with the actions of peace. If someone has hurt you in some way and you want o fight with them in verbal or physical way you should avoid that as much as possible and control your emotions. If the other individual wants to resolve it you too should support them and calmly describe your reason for disappointment and anger.