it's either 30 or 50.
They are mainly found around 30 to 50 degrees latitude
Difference Between Local Time and Standard Time
local time vs standard timeLocal time implies the time of a particular country, as regards the meridian running through it. On the contrary, standard time is referred as the official local time of a region ascertained by the distance from the Prime Meridian of the meridian running through the area. Here we’ll break down the significant differences between local time and standard time.
because altitude is where it the highest above sea level.
Magma chamber
central vent
I think
They can present coherent and consistent messages to their publics with little fear of contradictiontotalitarianism is a political system in which the state recognizes no limits its authority strives regulate every aspect public private life wherever feasible propaganda totalitarian regimes. Through threats and violence, even enlightened people will compromise their values.