Colors in the digital world are frequently expressed as a three digit hexadecimal number with each digits representing one of the colors Red, Green, and Blue. The original color given was #79b which means a red value of 7, a green value of 9, and a blue value of "b" which means 11. Since we just want a little more green, we can increase the 9 to 10, which is represented by the letter "a", giving us a new value of #7ab.</span>
honey bees make honey.
your answer WwW
Answer: what is this for just curious?
The correct answer to this open question is the following.
Although there is no bar or graphic attached, from previous classes we can say that the percentage of adults that are familiar with all three eating disorders is 43 percent.
The three most notable eating disorders in the United States are Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, and Anorexia Nervosa.
When a person eats very large amounts of food in short periods, then this individual has Binge Eating Disorder. They permanently gain weight, they secretly eat so nobody can see them, but they have remorse and feel bad.
People who throw up their food have Bulimia Nervosa Disorder. In the case of Anorexia Nervosa, people use pills to be slim, they have bad eating habits, over-emphasizes the slim image obsession, and they do more than recommended exercise to be fit.