Primary deviance can be converted into secondary deviance
when the occasional users are to be labeled as ‘d o p e heads’, it is because a
primary deviance is the stage where deviant behavior is in the initial stage
whereas secondary deviance is where an individual is to be labeled as a
If an occasional user who does not always commit to a
certain behavior and was labeled as a d o p e head of which is defined as doing
things that are lowest to the low, they are to be called as a criminal of which
falls at the secondary deviance.
This was actually a very smart behaviour. This way the law was accessible to everyone so on one hand, noone could say "I didn't know" and on the other hand it could be used for reference by anyone and people would not need to seek council in every matter. This also decreased the possibility to abuse power (if the law was only accessible to few, those few could abuse their power by manipulating it in their favour).
Imagine that instead of sky scrapers we had all the offices in them occupying lots. It would be somewhat like a mid west city like Great Falls Montana. I'm asking you to see New York as you would see Great Falls.
Great falls has some buildings that are 2 stories -- none that are much more that I know of. Great Falls has a population of 40000 roughly. New York has a population of about 8000000. So to construct New York on a Great Falls model, you would need 200 communities the size of Great Falls. Consider what that would do the environment.
The connection to each place of business and residential area would be many many times larger. Waste would create an immense almost unimaginable problem. The environment wouldn't know how to handle the spread created by small residential homes and no more than 1 or 2 story buildings.
The spread would create many times the problems that skyscrapers create and that's only 1 problem.
Question 2
This is a hard question. It depends on the slave owners. Some would think of their slaves as human beings same as them. Some were taught to read and write along with the owner's children. Most were not. Some were taught some sort of religious principles. Many were not. Some wanted freedom, others did not.
There's no simple answer to this. The economy of the south depended on slaves. No matter how humane the owners, there was still work to be done.
In my country man, at least they work