Every business also operates within the economy. Based on their economic expectations, businesses decide what products to produce, how to price them, how many people to employ, how much to pay these employees, how much to expand the business, and so on.
Hi. You have not informed the source your question refers to. This makes it difficult for your question to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.
There are some details you can analyze to find out if a research source is trustworthy or not. Among these details, the list of citations is one of the most efficient. This is because a reliable research source must present a citation list, which shows the places where that source was researched, which proves that all the information contained in it is true and proven by other works. In addition, you should note that the author of the research source is an expert on the subject that the research source addresses. This shows that the author has knowledge and is well versed in the subject he is presenting. Lastly, it is important to make sure that this research source is hosted on reputable sites. These trusted websites, which belong to respected and relevant institutions.
i believe that he did value looks over personality, and yes, she most definetly WAS a rebound from rosaline. tybalt was her cousin, and the person she was told to marry was paris. she didn't discover this fact untill AFTER she had married romeo, so it wasn't that she didn't want to get married to someone else. you are right, they didn't know each other when they eloped, but in their minds, it was the right thing to do.
i think its the first one because having n adult around is good but not always effective and having no friends makes no sense. i guess the last one makes sense but its not very relivant to the question so-