The Canterbury Cathedral is related to Thomas a Becket because Becket was murdered there. Henry II made Becket his chancellor and the two became close friends. When the position of Archbishop became vacant, Henry II made Thomas a Becket the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Henry II wanted to reduce the power of the Church and established the Constitutions of Clarendon which allowed the King to punish a cleric found guilty by the Church. Becket refused to sign the Constitutions of Clarendon and was found guilty of treason. He fled to France and was only allowed to return when the Pope threatened to excommunicate Henry II. Upon his return, Becket excommunicated three bishops who supported Henry. This enraged Henry and he ordered his knights to kill Becket.
On December 29, 1170, Becket was murdered at the altar of Canterbury Cathedral by four knights of King Henry II.
The answer is MLA bibliographic information. The bibliographic information of a certain article or book is what you should record on a biobliography card if you're using the index-card oragnizational system.
A bibliography card is an index card where you write down the information concerning the author and editiorial information of the source you are using. In research it helps you organize what you have already read so you can add this information later on and give credit to the author, avoiding plagiarism.
Therefore, on a bibliography card you must write the bibliographic information of the source. Data such as author, title, publication date, name of the editorial or journal that published it, are among the information the Modern Language Association (MLA) requires in a reference.
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An adverb describes the action being done, in this case the adverb is fast.