Common Internet File System
Given that the Server Message Block (SMB) has various types or variations. The most common variation of this Server Message Block sharing protocol that is considered to be a dialect of SMB is known as "Common Internet File System." This is known to serve as a form of a communication protocol for giving shared access to different outlets between nodes on a network.
Hence, in this case, the correct answer is "Common Internet File System"
Answer and Explanation:
Using javascript:
function dayof_theweek(){
var TodayDate = window. prompt("enter today's date in the format 'year, month, day' ");
var Datenow=new date(TodayDate);
var Dayofweek=Datenow.getday();
var Days=["monday","Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"];
The program above uses a date object which uses the method getday to get the day of the week(get day returns an integer from 0 to 6).we then use a comparison operator == to test the condition that returned value Dayoftheweek is same with the index of the array Days and then print to a html document. The program may need improvements such as the fact that errors may arise when proper input isn't given, and therefore must be handled.
It is also used by JavaScript to access and manipulate the element with the specific id.
1. Copyright.
2. Songs and books.
A copyright law can be defined as a set of formal rules granted by a government to protect an intellectual property by giving the owner an exclusive right to use while preventing any unauthorized access, use or duplication by others.
For example, when an individual downloads a song owned by any record company without paying a purchase fee, it is a violation of copyright law.
A copyright can be defined as an exclusive legal right granted to the owner of a creative work (intellectual property) to perform, print, record, and publish his or her work. Also, the owner is granted the sole right to authorize any other person to use the creative work.
Hence, copyright is a kind of rules that protect everyone’s rights when we use each other’s content.
An intellectual property can be defined as an intangible creation of the human mind, ideas, thoughts or intelligence. Some examples of an intellectual property are songs, books, poems, technology, design etc.