there is no option such as small caps available in change case
Change cases in MSword are use to automatic capitalisation rules of text to apply on your document or text.
there are multiple options on Change case such as
- Sentence case
- lowercase
- Capitalize Each Word.
- toggle case
A source can be either primary or secondary. The statement that if you interview a dentist to learn about her experiences on the job, she is considered a secondary source of information is false. A primary source provides direct or firsthand experience, while a secondary source of information describes or analyzes the primary source. In this case, when the dentist is interviewed she is considered as primary source because she is speaking about herself and her experience.
"resume.docx" is located in "Documents"
[<drive-letter:: represents drive name>]:/Main_Directory/Sub_Directory/ETC..
The boot loader is pulled into memory and started. The boot loader's job is to start the real operating system. POST (Power On Self Test) The Power On Self Test happens each time you turn your computer on. ... Your computer does so much when its turned on this isn't all that occurs but is a summirazed version of what happens