c. would create a negative self-fulfilling prophecy
Douglas McGregor was an industrial psychologist, which in his theory analyzed how a negative vision (lack of responsibility, tendency to work as little as possible, low motivation, etc.) would imply a management style of authoritarian and controlling nature, tending to correct with a control external the low involvement of workers.
Standard is what you want and lifestyle is what you have
The main difference between lifestyle and standard of living is that lifestyle is considering what do we have now, at this moment, and based on that and our wishes, the standard of living is what do we want to have in the future.
- The standard of living is describing wealth, material things places to live and on the other hand, when we are talking about the lifestyle the important things are feelings, such as happiness and quality of life.

- In Greek mythology, Prometheus, is the Titan friend of mortals, honored mainly for stealing the fire of the gods on the stem of a cane, giving it to men for their use and later being punished by Zeus for this reason.

Can anybody tell me a famous story about the god Prometheus?
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Greek mythology is one of the most
interesting when investigating the history of their gods. Today we bring you that of Prometheus, one of the titans that, although it may surprise, has no equivalent in the Roman pantheon. He was famous for being the friend of mortals, his arrival of fire being his. This made Zeus angry, as fire was a good of the gods, punishing him for all eternity.
Zeus went to Hephaestus to start his revenge. He ordered him to create a woman out of clay, which he gave life to once he was finished. Hermes, the messenger of the gods, by order of Zeus brought this new creature before Epimetheus, the brother of Prometheus. The woman was Pandora, bearer of a box that kept all the evils that existed.
Epimetheus, despite his brother's warnings, fell in love with her, who opened the box, releasing everything that was inside. In this way Zeus avenged himself on Prometheus and the human being, who indirectly entered into this divine dispute.
The punishment of Prometheus But not content with it, Zeus still had one last torture in store for Prometheus. He called again Hephaestus to chain the titan on top of a mountain, where an eagle (symbol of Zeus) lived. The eagle ate the liver of Prometheus who, being immortal, regenerated the organ. He was like this for a long time, until Heracles freed him by killing the bird.
Zeus did not retaliate against him, letting him go. As a token of gratitude, he told Heracles where he could obtain the golden apples of the Hesperides. Thus the history of the 12 tests was enlarged. Despite his release, the titan had to carry the rest of the time with a ring attached to the rock to which he was chained.

The increase in myelination of the central nervous system
(CNS) during middle and late childhood is linked to the improvement of fine
motor skills that occurs around the same period (middle and late childhood;
typically from age 6 to 12).
She did this by having two whole lines full with 4 flowers in each,then having 2 left ovet