After the March on Washington, in 1964, the Civil Rights Act became law. However, this did not make it easier for African Americans to vote in the South. To bring attention to this struggle, Lewis and Hosea Williams led a march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, on March 7, 1965. (Based off of Gooogle)
The lenguage divice used in this shakespear passage written to Julius Caesar is: <u>parallelism.</u>
Parallelism is a literature device that is used in many speeches, or poems it generates a rithm by the repetition of a pattern. Repetition creates a sense for rithm to the reader and also makes a remark.
Parallelism in this passage is localized in the following sentences: tears for his love, joy for his fortune, honor for his value... This device that includes a structure of repetition "for his", this way of expression generates an accent on the character it is refering to, in this case the peroson is refering to Julious Caesar (a roman emperor).
The Swedish political scientist Rudolph Kjellen was the first to use the term "geopolitics" in his works in the late 19th century. It´s the analysis of the influence of geography on power relations in international affairs. In the geopolitical analysis, factors such as climate, topography, access to the sea and arable land are part of the analysis of the interaction between geography and political issues affecting nations´ life.