Strengthening economic regulations is a fundamental element of supply-side economics. The purpose of Supply-side economics is to achieve maximum economic growth through capital investment and the lowering of barriers on production. This type of economics also focuses on the consumers who can benefit to greater supplies of goods and services fixed at lower prices. Investment expansion will also lead to higher and better chances of employment for all.
Hammurabi’s Code is one of the earliest collections of law. It was created in Babylonia around 1760 BC and it has a total of 282 sections of the law engraved on a stone boat in a public place. The law is named after Hammurabi, the then king of Babylon.
The basic idea of the law has been said to be the principle "Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth", but also Hammurabi's Code provided for penalties for various violent and other crimes and debts according to the same principle. However, in some cases, even under Hammurabi's Code, violent crimes were punishable only by a fine, especially if the crime was committed against a person of a lower estate.
The law dealt mainly with theft, pastoral issues, property damage, women’s rights, marriage, children’s rights, slave rights, murder and various assaults, and death. The punishments were different for members of different social groups. The law does not mention anything about taxation.
The answer is D. Communism
Thus, the Soviet Union was formed
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