The change was radical in the quality of the housing, public spaces, and the defense; but rather conservative in the church and religious building. The renaissance brought revolution in the terms how people wanted to live and enjoy the life. The medieval housing quality was rather poor. It was impersonal, based on simple practicality, and lacking comfort. It was only the size of the house and its location to show the wealth. The late medieval era and the rise of renaissance changed that.. people wanted to have nice comfortable housing, well planned, decorated, furnished, surrounded by nice items. Tiles, frescoes, stainless windows, flooring, and cassette ceiling became widespread and symbol of wealth, comfort, and opulence. Even medium size cities had experienced this housing revolution. The wealthy nobility abandoned castles and build comfortable chateaus.
<span>As the housing had improved, so did a public places. Medieval cities were dirty, rundown, with commercial and other activities happening in the street. The renaissance started to appreciate nice public place, squares, and avenues, and town halls around Europe had invested significant resources into beautification of them. Squares were cobbled with central focus points like fountains, statues, and other monuments. Majority of the present day European cities have their look modeled in that era. The change was revolutionary, that people enjoyed to see their cities, its images, portraits became widespread, and the wealth of the city was on display. </span>
<span>As the renaissance progressed, the original Italian style was replaced with the Northern European renaissance. The Italian was dominated by geometric spaces such as square and rectangle; and its dominant color was white. However, the rich classes wanted to show more wealth, and later period was significantly colorful, and with various details like graffiti,statues (often based on Roman mythology), and cast iron railing.</span>
Every group experiences prejudice among others who are not of the same group. That includes Whites. Blacks. Polish. Jews. Latinos. Irish. Asians. Filipinos. Italians. Gays. Transgender. Young. Old. Rich. Poor. Native American. Aleut. German. Female. Male. Genius. Left-handers. Low-IQ. Bald. Unathletic. Sports fans. Nerds. Unattractive. Tall. Short. Obese. Skinny. Hunters. Fishers. Animal lovers. Environment lovers. Religious. Non-religious.
You name it.
You cannot define a group that lives completely without prejudice, in the USA or in any other country.
<span>Fortinbras will not attack Denmark.
</span><span>Good news. The King of Norway has diverted his nephew Fortinbras to an attack on Poland instead of Norway (for now). There is word-play that makes this parallel Hamlet's killing of Polonius instead of Claudius.</span>
The sedition act and espionage act of 1918 revealed the United states of America's willingness to compromise the right to free speech
The sedition act of 1918 disallowed the use of disloyal or abusive language towards the United States government, the flag, or its armed forces in a way that caused other countries to view the American government with contempt. Those found guilty of breaching the act were sentenced to about 5 to 20 years imprisonment.
Mails also that were in breach of this act were forbidden from being delivered by the postal service at that time.
2. Great Depression
3. I think Fairness and Equity