This is a type III hypersensitivity reaction mediated by immune complex deposits. Immune complexes are antigen-antibody (commonly IgG) complexes that are soluble and prone to deposition in multiple organs. Once immune complexes are deposited in an organ, neutrophils and macrophages will then attack the organ causing organ damage and eventually failure. Type III hypersensitivity reactions are characteristic in SLE and other autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
Other types are type I hypersensitivity which are mediated by mast cells and histamine with the involvement of IgE and this commonly happens in allergic reactions. Type II hypersensitivity is cytotoxic hypersensitivity wherein antibodies directly attack organs (not forming immune complexes). Type IV hypersensitivity (or cell-mediated toxicity) involves T-lymphocytes. This is a delayed type of hypersensitivity exemplified by reactions from <em>M. tuberculosis</em> bacilli in tuberculous disease.
2/4 = 1/2
Use the punnet square
A. Helicases
B. Single strand binding proteins
C. Single strand binding protein
D. Topoisomerases
The helicases bind on the replication fork aiding in the unwounding of the DNA helix to allow for replication. The single strange binding proteins attach/bind to the separated single stranded DNA after the replication fork to prevent re-annealing of the single stranded DNA preventing Hydrogen bond formation that reanneals these two strands together. The topoisomerases are found just ahead of the replication fork preventing overwounding/ positive supercoils of the DNA. They do this by introducing breaks into the phosphate backbone of the DNA allowing them rotate forming negative supercoils and attaching the breaks once the DNA strand is relaxed.
The answer is D. Mechanical Energy to Chemical Energy