Patrilocal residence.
To live in a Patrilocal residence means, such as the example detailed, for the married couple to reside with or rear the husband's parents. In a Patrilocal residence system or society, it's structured that a man remains in his father's (or near his house) home after reaching maturity and, when he get's married, he should bring his wife to live there. This is the case of Maria, that moved to John's house, which is adjacent to his parent's home. Given that the man resides near his parents, it's logical that the woman moves with the man she marries (in this type of society).
1. Green water algae
2. Green spot algae
3. Black Brush algae
4. Staghorn algae
5. Hair algae
Answer: The United States government is based on the ideas of equality and the rights you have by being human such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These are all ideas expressed by John Locke. John Locke believed that no king and no person had the right to rule over a human being without their consent. The main point of democracy is consent of the govern and a nation ruled by the people for the people.
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