<span>planning of cities jewelry pottery Sanskrit religious art temples paintings sculptures stories plays poetry metal lurgy-the art of working with metal knew how to make alloysHindu-Arabic Numerals (still in use today)medicine inoculation-putting a small dose of a virus into someone to build a defense to disease <span>astronomy</span></span>
Dr. Fritschner is a <u>"Gender-Resistant" </u>feminist.
Gender feminism is a subdivision of feminism in light of the view that the sexual orientation contrasts are social builds executed by men with a specific end goal to keep up strength over ladies.
Gender-Resistant Feminism is an adaptations of feminism that advocate rebel procedures, wherein ladies build up ladies just social foundations and settings.
what is the question cant answer something if there is a question
Judge the likelihood of things in terms of how well they represent a particular prototype.
D)The United States responds with military force