In the first chapter we establish how this civilization functions. The boys shot down over the
tropical island where the novel takes place, so you may visualize this island, whatever you feel like picturing there, it doesn't just have to be the thing written. I would for example imagine the smell of the sea. The boys are between civilization and savagery here and that is the main conflict in the novel.
The sentence "C: Tony picked up the tab for our dinner last night.
" is written using informal language.
Informal language means the one that is spoken casually and used amongst family and friends. It is not a formal language used in offices and businesses.
Option C has a word ‘tab’ which is a casual word for ‘tablet’. So, this is a sentence in informal language. Other options have all formal words used. For example, ‘detoured’ in option A. Option B refers to fire drill. Option D refers to the menu that was ‘impressive’.
Practice using pre-taught sentence stems with simple sentence structures and tenses during collaborative activities.
Sentence stems refers to parts of a sentence to which inflections or other words are added. As a consequence, in oder for students to improve their speaking abilities, it is suitable to provide them with correct cues with the right grammatical features so that they can modify them according to the meaning of their utterances. Finally, collaborative tasks involve interaction with their partners to complete a specific exercise, which are highly appropriate to develop speaking skills.
Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act.
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