Different things make different vibrations when they hit, and that's why you hear high notes and low notes. Things that vibrate quickly make small waves in the air, and that sounds to you like a high-pitched note. Things that vibrate slowly make longer waves in the air, that sound to you like a low-pitched note.
True, plants undergo cellular respiration because they need ATP.
Plants are known as primary producers in the ecosystem because they are able to directly harness the energy from the sun and convert it into complex energy molecules. This process requires ATP.
On the other hand, plants also undergo cellular respiration which is the process by which ATP is produced because the plant also needs ATP to perform the functions of cells.
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Haploid refers to a cell that has has only one copy of each chromosome, like in a gamete such as a sperm cell or egg cell. Upon fertilization, the two haploids come together to form a full diploid cell (two copies of each chromosome) which then goes on to form the complete organism. Monosomy refers to a condition where there is only one copy of a specific chromosome. For example, in the human condition Turner Syndrome, there is only one X chromosome, instead of two sex chromosomes. Most incidences of monosomy other than Turner Syndrome are lethal, so there aren't many examples of it.
The phase during which sister chromatids aggregate along the equator of the cell is called the metaphase.
The image shows the process of cell division through mitosis. The mother cell divides into two genetically identical daughter cells in mitosis. There are four main phases in the mitosis process. They are: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. In the metaphase, the highly condensed sister chromatids line up along the equator of the cell by binding to the microtubles that form the skeleton of the cell. These kinetochores line up the chromatids at the equator to initiate their separation.
A,C,D Is the answer to the question