The differences between the North and South were incredible socially, financially, and politically. Nevertheless, it is not easy to see the establishment of servitude being finished in the South without the danger of brutality or genuine viciousness. The organization of slavery was accepted to be necessary toward the Southern economy that it is difficult to envision it, leaving through bargain by than ever.
The extraordinary gap between their industrialization levels was likewise a critical issue. The social equality development gave white students of history a recently discovered compassion toward abolitionists and their abolitionist partners.
patriots which were American were known as loyalists because they stayed loyal and did not leave and switch sides
Human-Technology Symbiosis; Human-Environment Interactions; Ethics, Privacy and Security; Well-being, Health and Eudaimonia; Accessibility and Universal Access; Learning and Creativity; and Social Organization and Democracy.
These ships were called Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria