can you please elaborate?
Historian Eric Foner believed "the policy proved to be a disaster, leading to the loss of much tribal land and the erosion of Indian cultural traditions." The law often placed Indians on desert land unsuitable for agriculture, and it also failed to account for Indians who could not afford the cost of farming. In addition to scant payment, Native Americans were not used to spending money and quickly spent most of what they received. Many were left with little land and little money. Inheritance also became an issue for many Native Americans who enrolled to receive land from the Dawes Act. The assimilation policy of the Dawes Act failed because it didn't take into account the social and cultural differences between the Native Americans and the white settlers. Many others like the Kiowas didn't want to assimilate into white culture and as such resisted.
American imperialism is the term for a policy aimed at extending the political, economic, and cultural control of the United States government over areas beyond its boundaries. The US is generally agreed to have had a policy of formal imperialism in the late 19th century.
In the election of 1828, he received about 56 percent of the popular vote and carried virtually every electoral vote south of the Potomac River and west of New Jersey. Yet Jackson's victory was the product of a diverse coalition of groups rather than of a coherent political party. In addition to the original Jackson men from the campaign of 1824, there were the followers of New York's Martin Van Buren and Jackson's vice president, South Carolina's John C. Calhoun; former Federalists; and groups of "relief men," who during the Panic of 1819 had bucked the established political interests by advocating reforms to help indebted farmers and artisans.