They brung different types of foods and clothes
Women in the Byzantine Empire (4th to 15th century CE) were, amongst the upper classes, largely expected to supervise the family home and raise children while those who had to work for a living did so in most of the industries of the period, from manufacturing to hospitality.
if you have any questions feel free to ask.
The system is still being used today.
Answer:The first step of the problem solving process is to identify and define the problem. The second step, which is to analyze the problem, involves gathering information, sorting through relevant and irrelevant information, and evaluating the source of the problem by asking the Five W's: who, what, where, when, and why. The third step is to generate a broad range of solutions by using the brainstorming process. The fourth step, which is to select and plan the solution, involves evaluating each solution, eliminating all the solutions until one remains, and creating a plan of action for the solution. The fifth step of the problem solving process is to implement the solution. Last but not least, one should evaluate and monitor the solution's progress.
hope this helps
love: Deku <3