It appeared to me that if the elephants were heart-broken, and in despair at the apparently interminable mountain pass, it would be advisable to let them know the actual truth... (I think I did this assignment a while back)
This is because, for the author to have acknowledged that the elephant might be heartbroken shows that, the author has compassion for the plight which the elephants are subjected to.
Pls post the picture i want to answer this ❤️
My Opinion
i feel that the students in that class will start disrespecting her not following rules and will eventually Stop following the expectations, Michaels parents will not respect her order of authority and will most likely go against what she says
After reading the passage, I see how the author uses connotations and figurative language to make his experience come to life. The author uses a mix of postive and negitive connotations like "fast" as a positive connotation, and "lighting" as a negitive connotation. Though the author is using negitive connotation in the paragraph, the story itself is not meant to be negitive, rather exciting and uses figurtative language as a description. This is expressed through the phrases like, "electric fight" but the author hints at what they mean through the following context clues like, " for us to turn on and off as we please." Which indicated a light swich, and the electric that "fighting" through it. This make it feel like not just a light swich or power, but an electric storm that comes to life!
It emphasizes what can be gained by following the speaker's advice.