"No digas la verdad"
otherwise "di la mentira"
What lesson did the story THE CRAZY DWARF bring you? the story is as follows: In the Happy Forest everyone was always happy and happy. Everyone except Murung, the grumpy little dwarf. No one knew quite why Murung was always in a bad mood. The only thing they were clear about was that if anyone could spoil the party, it was him. Because Murung was not satisfied with being always angry, no. Murung spent his days looking for a way to spread his bad mood to others. Luckily, in the Happy Forest they were specialists in putting a good face on bad weather, otherwise ... who knows what would have happened. But Murung's evils were increasing. Therefore, the High Council of Wise Men organized an extraordinary meeting to solve the problem. After hours of debate, the Great Sage spoke for the first time. -I think the problem is not what to do, but to find out why Murung is always like this. Solving the mystery of Murung's bad mood is the only true solution. All the sages began to whisper. The great sage was right. Why was Murung like this? Never before had there been anyone in Bosque Feliz who was not infected with the joy and good humor of the place, and that people from all over the world had come there. The sages began to investigate, but no one knew anything Murung. Not where he had come from, or if he had a family ... nothing. Seeing the sages loitering around Murung's house and asking everyone, a dwarf came up to them and said, "Hi, I'm Murung's neighbor." I know you try to know something about him, but you will discover nothing. Nobody knows anything because Murung never tells anything. He does not speak to anyone except to say an expletive.
I figured out part of it
El sinónimo es nativo
Y orijinal
The logical order for the process of running for president would be: 1. Built a coalition of supporters. 2. Raise fonds. 3. Develop a campaing stragedy. 4. Announce candidacy. 5. Run in primaris and caucuses. 6.Attend national convention. 7. Participate in television debates. 8. conduct electoral votes.
The first step in running for president is to gather supporters, because this is something that cannot be done alone, since it is an act of democracy wich includes de mayority of people voting for someone. With that step done the money is very important for organizing any campaing. When a well stablished campainge strategy is prepared, it would be the right time to announce candidacy. The primaris and caucuses helped determined or anticipate how the proces is going among the voters. The convetions and the debates are important to promote the government plan. Finally the day of elections come and the president ought to participate with his own vote.