Network switch has been disconnected or switched off
An organization networking can be done by using several switches, routers, modems, etc. A network switch works between modem and systems, connecting the systems to the network.
A network switch is a multi-port switch that connects multiple devices to the network. mostly every floor has a network switch connected with the floor systems.
When a system is connected to switch, its indicator light on NIC is active. but as per the scenario, no system has active indicator lights on NIC, which means that there is some problem with the switch or switch is powered off.
A medida que crece un árbol, la mayoría de las células de madera se alinean con el eje del tronco, la rama o la raíz. Estas células están compuestas por haces largos y delgados de fibras, aproximadamente 100 veces más largas que anchas. Esto es lo que le da a la madera su dirección de grano.
La madera es más fuerte en la dirección paralela al grano. Debido a esto, las propiedades de resistencia y rigidez de los paneles estructurales de madera son mayores en la dirección paralela al eje de resistencia que perpendicular a él
I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option D. It would be plate tectonics that is powered by energy from Earth's interior since it is the only choice that is underneath the surface of the Earth. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.
<span>Professor Michael Faraday</span>