He built a successful law practice and became weathy representing corporate clients
Muslims’ reference to Christians and Jews as
“People of the Book” demonstrates they all
shared a belief in monotheism.
The Catholic Church was slow to respond systematically to the theological and publicity innovations of Luther and the other reformers. The Council of Trent, which met off and on from 1545 through 1563, articulated the Church’s answer to the problems that triggered the Reformation and to the reformers themselves.
The Catholic Church of the Counter-Reformation era grew more spiritual, more literate and more educated. New religious orders, notably the Jesuits, combined rigorous spirituality with a globally minded intellectualism, while mystics such as Teresa of Avila injected new passion into the older orders. Inquisitions, both in Spain and in Rome, were reorganized to fight the threat of Protestant heresy.
B - Some communities closed their schools rather than to integrate.
While some in the the south did not want to integrate their schools, some communities refused (but not most) and they figured out plans to delay integration, transfer students to different schools and close others.