Answer and Explanation:
Earths crust is broken into plates called tectonic plates. the plates move bc of convection currents in the earths mantle. convection currents are the movement caused with a liquid by the propencity of hotter and less dense matter to rise, and colder, thicker material to sink under the effect of gravitational pull, which as a result results in the transfer of heat. As a result these are moved by the heat composed by the common natural blight of radioactive component in the earth.
reuse, recycle and reduce
A net population decline resulting from an "excess of deaths over births".
Option: A
Demographic transition is a shift from higher to lower level of fertility and mortality.Rapid development in industrialization and urbanization in
century resulted into enormous population growth. But decline in early
century covered many reasons like consequences of two calamitous wars, where Europe suffered large population declination due to battle death and civilian causalities in World War I and II. Hence the acceleration of population growth in 19th century but downfall in 20th is also considered as balance.
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet
d. Reverser Hierarchical
Expansion diffusion is said to be when a particular trend is spread from it originating point to another point. It might be relocation diffusion whereby a relocating resident share his idea and practice to his/her new residence.
Hierarchical diffusion occur when a new cultural practice is shared to another people. Like in the case of Africa's adapting to white pattern of dressing.
Contagious diffusion is a kind of virus trend like in Nigeria where a dance pattern is transfer to a neighboring country like Ghana.
Stimulus diffusion occur when a people adapt an idea from another and modify it. Example ping pong(Table tennis) originating from Asia and modified by another .
Reverser Hierarchical is not a form of expansion diffusion