Black Death Spread from East to West, And Then Back Again.
The Black death originated in the eastern European countries and was brought to the Americas from travelers
Ottoman Empire
they lost over 2 million civs
An Act to limit the immigration of aliens into the United States. The Emergency Quota Act, also known as the Emergency Immigration Act of 1921, the Immigration Restriction Act of 1921, the Per Centum Law, and the Johnson Quota Act (ch. 8, 42 Stat. 5 of May 19, 1921) restricted immigration into the United States.
D) Start military action in Afghanistan.
Following the September 11, 2001 attacks, the US government took immediate (including rescue operations at the World Trade Center site and the grounding of civilian flights) and long-term (including investigations, legislative reforms, military action, and rehabilitation projects) responses. Investigations into the attacks' intentions and execution led to the proclamation of a War on Terrorism, which resulted in continuing military operations in Afghanistan and, later, Iraq. Lower Manhattan was rebuilt thanks to cleanup and restoration operations, and government subsidies helped fund the creation of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum.