Addition is commutative.
3 + 4 = 7. = 4 + 3
Division is not commutative.
3 / 4 is not = 4 / 3.
1.) yuma
2.) Spanish
3.) 8th
4.) two years
5.) 8
6.) united
8.) ?
9.) ?
10.) 1993
Step-by-step explanation:
To take a root of a fraction, take the root of the numerator and denominator separately
Write the number in exponential form with a base of 2 to the second power
Write the number in exponential form with a base of 3 to the third power
Reduce the index of the radical and exponent with2
Reduce the index of the radical and exponent with 2
Then it’s gonna be 2/3 2over3
-3 2/3
Reduce the numbers with greatest common divisor 3
Then the answer will be -2
Step-by-step explanation: