If light strikes one receptor, the net effect is to excite the nearest bipolar cell and inhibit other bipolar cells to the side because of the contributions from horizontal cells.
On striking the receptor with light, the nearest bipolar cells respond to the light at the most inside the circumference. The bipolar cells which are outside the circumference responds least to the phenomena. Overall, the net effect thereby when seen, is to excite the nearest bipolar cells.
By the excitement of nearest bipolar cells, other farther cells are inhibited as a result as the horizontal cells are also excited and they contribute to inhibit the bipolar cells which are not near to the receptor cells in the eyes.
The answer is "because water is produced as a by-product"...the word dehydration should also be a major clue because that means water loss.
Answer: The omnivorous flock will eat the most as it eats both insects and seeds. With the removal of fruit it will not be affected much. The herbivorous flock will eat the least as it has the option to eat seeds only after the removal of fruit. The flocks all started with 10 birds. Flock was X the most successful at feeding, so it will have the greatest number in the second generation. brainliest?