I'm sure it's true since before doing a science experiment/If you're trying to figure something out, you need a Hypothesis.
A gecko, fly agaric (fungus), and a palm tree all have cells with nuclei, but a gecko and fly agaric are both heterotrophic (making them more closely related) while a palm tree is a photosynthetic autotroph.
Germ Cell DNA.
Mutations are only passed on to offspring when they occur in germ cell DNA, which are the cells that create sperm or ova.
mutations only occur in germ cells and their DNA.
The findings demonstrates an optimal foraging hypothesis based on maximizing caloric intake alone is probably incorrect in this case.
This example can also be explained by optimal foraging theory which helps in predicting the behavior of an animal which it is searching for food. Food provides energy to the animal but searching and capturing the food requires both energy and time.
So in order to maximize fitness , an animal adopts a foraging strategy which provides the most benefit which in this case is energy, for the lower cost and by maximizing the net energy gained.