to visualize the play's setting
The first paragraph of stage directions describe the play's setting. It full describes the layout of the room, including the placement of doors and windows. The furniture is explained and laid out. Also described are the wall decorations. It gives a clear picture of the setting. The other options are incorrect because we aren't introduced to any of the characters or a possible theme of the play.
Hobbit is the story of the small beardless creature that has invited many of the people on the adventure trip of the mountains.
The answers are:
He is curious about the world around him.
Is that the mountain?
what are moon letters?
These are the right answers to the inferences about Bilbo's character in the chapter Hobbit. And also the second answer is correct as it supports the best excerpt from the chapter Hobbit. The chapter is all bout the adventures of the mountains of the friends with a fun and various ways of enjoyment.
To know more about the chapter and the excerpt Hobbit, refer to the link below:
Such was the impact of poet Ingrid Jonker that decades after her death in 1965, the late Nelson Mandela read her poem, The Child who Was Shot Dead by Soldiers at Nyanga, at the opening of the first democratic Parliament on 24 May 1994.
“The time will come when our nation will honour the memory of all the sons, the daughters, the mothers, the fathers, the youth and the children who, by their thoughts and deeds, gave us the right to assert with pride that we are South Africans, that we are Africans and that we are citizens of the world,” he said 20 years ago.
“The certainties that come with age tell me that among these we shall find an Afrikaner woman who transcended a particular experience and became a South African, an African and a citizen of the world. Her name is Ingrid Jonker. She was both a poet and a South African. She was both an Afrikaner and an African. She was both an artist and a human being.”
She had written the poem following a visit to the Philippi police station to see the body of a child who had been shot dead in his mother’s arms by the police in the township of Nyanga in Cape Town. It happened in the aftermath of the massacre of 69 people in Sharpeville, south of Johannesburg, in March 1960. They were marching to the police station to protest against having to carry passbooks.