Answer: A double restriction digest
Explanation: A double restriction digest is a process were two restriction enzymes are used to digest DNA in a single double restriction digest you will observe two bands,while in single restriction digest you will observe just one band. In double restriction digest no
Self - ligating plasmid because it create mismatch ends. It also aids in directional in section while single disgestion you have to screen your clones to be sure to get your plasmid with correct insert orientation.
The temperature is staying the same. In the graph when it shows solid/liquid and liquid/gas, the temperature stays the same until it changes. This is because it reached it's melting point/vaporizing point. For example, a solid gets heated up, it then reaches it's melting point but it can't go higher than that because it isn't fully a liquid yet, once it's a liquid it will then continue to rise in temperature.
I don't think I put enough detail into that explanation but I hope this helps your problem.
Your heart is an organ that’s largely made up of muscle. It has the vital function of working to pump blood to the organs and tissues of your body.
In observing, we have our 5 senses (smell, taste, touch, see, hear) meaning scientists uses their 5 senses to be able to have a prediction or a hypothesis about the problem.